Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 8: May 20, 2011

Something I miss..

i had a totally different plan for this post. I was going to put up a picture of Phoenix and talk about the desert and what I miss from there, but there is something I miss more, and I miss it every day.

I miss sleeping in. My son is a morning person. No matter how late he was up the night before, he wakes up between 6:30 and 7 every day. Today he woke up at 6am. He spent 15 minutes playing with a little toy laptop that has shapes and plays music before he started calling for me. How did this happen to me? A confirmed night owl with a morning person for a child? And it's not like I can just leave him in the crib and roll over and go back to sleep.

He makes noise. He calls, he whistles, he talks.

"Mama, mama, mama. Mammmmaaaa, maaaammmmmaaa!" and he's added an new variation in the last couple of days.

"Mama, it's wake up time!"

He's so damn cute, and usually cheerful in the morning, happy to be awake and alive, learning and growing and becoming more every day.


I miss sleeping in.

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