Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 1: May 13, 2011

                      Introduction, Introduction, is that all you think about?
I am starting this blog and this challenge on the same day, so bear with me while I figure it all out. My name is Kristina. I am a single mother, a pharmacy technician, and a copycat/internet follower. I have followed my friend Deema from LiveJournal, to Myspace, to Facebook, and now to Blogger. I scrapbook, read compulsively, and eat too much junk food. This is my second blog, since I still occasionally post to LiveJournal. So here goes, fifteen interesting facts:

#1. I love being a mother. It was so hard at first, figuring out what to do for him, what he needed, how to read him. It seemed like every day was a struggle, but we learned each other. He is learning to talk, to communicate the way I do, and I still follow his lead on what he needs and sometimes on what he wants.

#2. I dream in color. I always have.

#3.I like to collect things. I collect books, nutcracker figures, and somehow just stuff. I'm not so obsessive that I can't throw stuff away if it needs it, but I like things.

#4. I hate being barefoot. It goes back to when I was a kid, and we'd go to the lake, but to get to the beach we always went to you had to follow a gravel path. Either coming because I forgot my shoes, or going because my feet were wet and I didn't want to get my shoes wet, I always ended up walking on that gravel in bare feet. And it hurt! So I like my shoes. (Not like Deema does though)

#5. I read Shakespeare for fun.

#6. I believe in love and happily ever after, just never thought it would happen to me. Maybe it will.

#7. I just passed my 90 probation at my pharmacy technician job, so I am officially employed.That means the paychecks keep coming!

#8. I love music. I would have a sound track to my life if I could, the scary music when walking at night, the swelling romantic strings before a first kiss. Music is the soul.

#9. One of my favorite indulgences is an afternoon nap. I don't get them very often, so I treasure them when I do.

#10. According to friends, I am a good, but slightly crazy driver. One friend described it as, "She drives like the other cars are obstacles." Aren't they?

#11. I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. I love the decorations, and the lights, and the wrapping, and the presents, and the songs, and the everything.

#12. I am a night owl. I would get up at 10 or 11 everyday if I could, and stay up to 1 or 2 in the morning. My best time is 6:30pm to 7ish. My son is  a morning person.  He wakes up every day between 6:30 and 7:30am. Ugh, mornings! If they weren't needed to separate the night from bumping into the afternoon, I'd do away with them!

#13. I secretly like jewelry, although I forget to wear it often.

#14. My least favorite chore is the dishes.

#15. I can use power tools. I have my own drill, and used it in my apartment for fixing and arranging some things.

Bonus: I like taking pictures, but I am not a good photographer.

So here goes, day one. I hope it lasts!